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Saturday Special!

Ahead of Saturdays NPL Division One West clash v Bootle, we are delighted to announce a special supporters offer to enhance your day of football.

With Burnley playing away at Sheffield United, we will be showing the game on our 2 big screens in the club house.

Supporters who get to the ground between 12 & 1:30 have the option to take advantage of our special offer of, Entrance, Red Army Burger and a Pint for just £15. (Concessions at £12)

We look forward to welcoming both new and returning supporters to Holt House this weekend.


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Colne Football Club | Colne | Lancashire | BB8 9SF |

 In accordance with the Football Association Rule 2.13 Publication of ownership in relation to Step 1 to Step 6 Clubs within the Football pyramid, we hereby confirm that the Legal Status of Colne Football Club, takes the form of a Private Members Club.

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