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Burnley or Colne? This Season, There's No Need to Make a Choice!

Over the years it's become clear that there is a direct correlation between Burnley playing away and Colne's attendance figures. When Burnley play away Colne's attendance figures rise, as fans choose to get their 'football fix' by supporting another local club.

The good news for the 2021/22 season is that you can actually do both! Having compared the fixtures, there are currently only 2 games over the course of the season where both teams are playing at home...

That's potential for an extra 17 day's of live football for just £65...!

Don't hesitate, purchase your season ticket now and commit the fixtures to your diary.




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Colne Football Club | Colne | Lancashire | BB8 9SF |

 In accordance with the Football Association Rule 2.13 Publication of ownership in relation to Step 1 to Step 6 Clubs within the Football pyramid, we hereby confirm that the Legal Status of Colne Football Club, takes the form of a Private Members Club.

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